<![CDATA[Kansas Now! Respect Life! KNRL.ORG - Adam Lockridge]]>Wed, 10 Jul 2024 07:48:28 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Seven Ways to Teach the Pro-Life Generation]]>Thu, 30 Dec 2021 02:55:15 GMThttp://knrl.org/adam-lockridge/seven-ways-to-teach-the-pro-life-generationMany teachers and parents understandably struggle with finding the line between proper child formation and indoctrination when it comes to the issue of abortion.   We know the importance of teaching Christian values, but we also know that we can’t selfishly or manipulatively impose our views on our children.  Here are a few ways to authentically teach our children to respect life while avoiding the dangers of politicizing our professional roles and personal relationships:
7 -  Teach your children to understand the history of the issue:  The history books are filled with darkness and light, and we can learn from them both!  Human sacrifice was the norm in many ancient cultures, and the modern day abortion industry can be seen as a modern secularized version of the same practice.  (Contrast this with the story of Abraham and Isaac.)  History is also filled with shining examples of heroes of the Christian faith who have cared for the weak and vulnerable.  Find their stories, tell them well, and tell them often.
6 -  Give your children childcare opportunities:  Young men and women who grow up caring for younger children do not need to be told that life is precious–they learn how to love and care for others in a tangible way.  Making sacrifices like changing a diaper or patiently feeding a child can be thought of as pro-life “bootcamp” by practicing self-sacrificing love.  Babysitting, care for younger siblings, and volunteering in the church nursery are all great ways to learn how to love children well.
5 -  Teach children biology and anatomy with purpose:  The science of life is beautiful and a testament to God’s good order.  While it can be embarrassing to discuss the details of the reproductive process and organs, parents and teachers have an obligation to tell the truth in a way that is age-appropriate and reveals the beauty of God’s handiwork.  Don’t allow someone who dishonors life or who does not understand this core principle to teach these important lessons to your children.
4 -  Honor Mary:  While reverence for Mary is considered suspect in many Christian traditions, she should be honored as the ultimate paradigm for saying “yes” to life.  “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” When Mary conceived the Christ-child, she offered herself as a humble servant to God by bearing the burden of Life for the World.  Let us honor her and follow her example and say yes to life!
3 -  Teach your children virtue ethics:  While we rightly think of the pro-life cause as a Christian cause, let us remind our children that one can appeal to both reason and revelation in making the case for life.  While faith, hope, and love (the theological virtues) are born exclusively out of a relationship with God, courage, prudence, temperance, and justice (the cardinal virtues) were understood and practiced even in pre-Christian societies.  Familiarity with ethics, virtue ethics in particular, will help your children understand and communicate the pro-life cause in a way that appeals to common sense and human reason.

2 -  Pray for life with your children:  40 Days for Life is a wonderful organization that hosts vigils, not protests, in front of abortion clinics.  Older teens, with permission and consent of parents, should be invited to attend these.  Read the Psalms aloud together and take some time to discuss how evil has a presence which we must combat through prayer; lives are really changed and saved in the process.
1 - Live your values:  God blesses life.  Have children, and then have some more, as God gives you strength and ability.  If you are unable to have children of your own, help families care for their children and treat them as you would your own.  Care for children diligently, demonstrate the value of human life in your daily actions with unshakable faith and sober hope for the future.  Children learn much more from watching what their parents and teachers do than they do by lectures and propaganda.